Denise attends 2014 Gordon Research  Seminar and Conference: Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology (16.-22.08.14 in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, USA)

Denise presented a poster about her PhD work and based on this was selected for the Young Investigator Presentations (only 6 abstracts out of 138 were chosen to give a short talk (15 min. + 5 min discussion) Denise was the only PhD student among them) Her talk was about “Dynamic Polysaccharide based Carrier Systems for the Delivery of RNA and DNA”
Congratulations Denise!!

(We thank the DAAD and the Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur (Mainz) for their support)

“The 2014 Gordon Conference on Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology builds on a rich tradition encompassing fundamental principles through clinical application. Top academic investigators and leaders from pharma and biotech will gather to consider latest advances, as well as critical hurdles requiring coordinated multidisciplinary solutions. The conference provides a dynamic, diverse and collegial environment with academic, industrial and regulatory viewpoints. The meeting also provides a unique opportunity for young investigators and junior scientists to present their work in poster format and to exchange ideas with leaders in the field. Select poster presenters will be invited to provide short talks.

The conference focuses on cutting edge delivery systems based on polymers, lipids, conjugates, and advanced multicomponent nanoengineered systems containing all types of cargos (proteins, RNA, cells, anti-cancer agents, vaccines, imaging and diagnostic agents). The program will include sessions on mechanisms of carrier distribution, cellular uptake and trafficking, and new approaches to addressing these hurdles. Session themes include targeted systems for delivery, new approaches to chemical modification, engineering, and conjugation for improved delivery, and transport, fate, and efficacy of drug delivery systems. Applications and exciting opportunities in ophthalmic delivery, cancer, and immunotherapy will be included in specific sessions.

The Waterville Valley Resort provides an excellent setting for opportunities for informal discussions in addition to outdoor recreation activities, which are part of the conference registration. Early application is recommended, as attendance is limited, and the conference has been over-subscribed in the past. The co-chairs welcome applications from junior scientists to attend and present their research findings. A number of travel awards will be made based on poster abstracts within the qualifying period.

Talks and poster sessions from professors, postdocs and group leaders from universities and industry from USA , Europe and Asia.
Posters: 138, Attendees: 200.”



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